2013년 5월 23일 목요일

Scots World War I commemorations announced by Alex Salmond

Basically, this article is talking about the sacrifice that the Scottish servicemen made during the war and people are trying to hold a annual commemoration for them. They say that they are planning to invest 2 million pounds worth of money to build a memorial facilities.A total of 205 men lost their lives during the war.

We remember people who sacrificed and contributed a lot to the modern society or the country.We remember people who were great professionals in each of the area. We don't really know who sacrificed for the nation during the war. It is just a matter of numbers, and every one of th
em are worth other great men. The Scottish government did a great job trying to thank the people who sacrificed for the country and the world's peace.

Personally, I was surprised to see the people trying to remember people who were killed in World War I. I just thought it is natural for people to forget, and mostly people try to remember the things they could. I thought it was the second World War that this article was talking about at first.

Original Article: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-22642112
Article posted: May 23, 2013
I do not know the writer of this article.

댓글 3개:

  1. Although 2 million pounds is a lot of money, I think they are being used for a rightful cause. I wish more of these memorials could be seen in Korea.

  2. I agree to hold an annual commemoration for the Scottish servicemen; but 2 million pounds worth of money is too much... I think they need to adjust.

  3. Why don't they ever commemorate the numbers of platypi lost during World War I? I mean, can anyone name a single platypus that died during The Great War? I thought not. Let's all have a moment of silence while the platy-choir sings. "Hostem repellas longius, pacemque dones protinus: ductore sic te praevio vitemus omne noxium."
