2013년 3월 14일 목요일

The College Declaration of Independence

     This article talks about the college students being free from their parents. According to this article, there are mainly two types of students. One type of students want to go to the college near their house so they could meet their family often. However, there are students who want to go far away and have a life of their own and change.
     College is a place of change and self development. There shouldn't be any pressure to the people, because college students are old enough to do their work. As the title says, college students should declare independence from their family. However, it doesn't mean that you are literary independence, but you should be able to take care of yourself when you hit college.

     As the United States declared independence from Great Britain and learned to live by themselves adapting to the new land and new government,  I think that people have to strive to be responsible for their own tasks, not receiving any pressure from the outer pressure.


댓글 3개:

  1. Wow! I think you have an ability to find the creative articles that is related with our class. Always, I have met hard time when I try to find the articles. Anyways, I have same opinion with you. And I have more! As we are high school students, we have to prepare the independence for university like America revolution for Declaration Independence. Of course, I meant not violently.

  2. I think exactly the same. Oh, the college problems...and yes, they need to do the way the colonists did.

  3. I like how you chose the article that is closely related to what we learned this week. I think college students are responsible to be independent from their parents. They are old enough to do that.
