President Obama recently cancelled a meeting with the President of Russia. The main topic was supposed to be was about the safety or protection of Syria. Russia thinks that Syrians did not use any chemical weapons, and to prove, U.S. needs more evidence before taking action to Syria.
Because of this controversial event, President Obama has complicated his diplomatic relationships between many nations.
Later in one of his speech, President Obama said that he did not set a red line, but instead, he said that the world set the red line. This makes sense, because the chemical weapon that Syrians might have used have caused death to more than 100,000 people.
President Obama is trying to find budget for military action to Syria. He wants the military much better than the ones who were sent to Iraq. Mr. Obama is also suffering from the expectations that his presidency would bring a new character to American leadership in the world.
President Obama has to realize that his power or his authority is coming from the people of the United States and maybe from people of the world. Popular Sovereignty explains that the government gets its authority from the people and that ultimate political power remains with the people, not only the leaders but with all people. Before taking action, he has to know what the people wants the government to do. If the Syrians used the chemical weapons, it is a crime against humanity and something should happen. However, President Obama has to consider that his authority comes from the people of United States.
You made a very good point here. You explained the popular sovereignty comparing with Barack Obama and the people. I think Barack Obama has to talk more with the people and decide the action. Also U.S. needs more evidence than what they have now.