2013년 9월 26일 목요일

What happens with congressional employees if the government shuts down?

       This article is really interesting, because they talk about and predict what will happen when the government shutdown. This article states particular jobs that can't rest during the shutdown. Sometimes, there are people who want a tour around the congress, you should not expect a tour guide, because they will not be there. 
      The poorest people in US are the barbers, gift-shop employees. They cannot have a break even though the government shuts down. I can't think of the government shutting down, but there might be a possibility.

Original post:

Josh HicksPublished: September 26 at 6:00 am

2013년 9월 12일 목요일

IMF's Lagarde: Euro Zone Still Has Far to go on Fiscal Union

The head of IMF said that they have to talk about making fiscal union in Europe in order to prepare for future crises.

"We very much think of the euro area as a beautiful ship that has been pampered for the soft seas, but not completely finished for rough waters," said Christine Lagarde about the fiscal federalism at the finance ministry of France. She told people that they need a new plan and to prepare for the future, they have to add some policies and activate fiscal federalism in the country. She also told, if the fiscal systems unite, it will help the euro zone have less destruction caused by economical crises.

Also, in this meeting the finance minister Mr. Moscovici spoke about their insurance system and other ways to set up budgets for government's choices.

We all know money is a crucial source to run a government or their policies. The area of a government to collect tax, fund policies, and budgeting are things that the fiscal federation has to handle. Through this article I was able to learn the importance of fiscal federation's role in the government.

Original Article
by William Horobin September 10, 2013, 5:07 a.m.

2013년 9월 7일 토요일

Questions of Policy and Leadership Dog Obama Before Meeting in Russia

        President Obama recently cancelled a meeting with the President of Russia. The main topic was supposed to be was about the safety or protection of Syria. Russia thinks that Syrians did not use any chemical weapons, and to prove, U.S. needs more evidence before taking action to Syria.

        Because of this controversial event, President Obama has complicated his diplomatic relationships between many nations.

        Later in one of his speech, President Obama said that he did not set a red line, but instead, he said that the world set the red line. This makes sense, because the chemical weapon that Syrians might have used have caused death to more than 100,000 people.

        President Obama is trying to find budget for military action to Syria. He wants the military much better than the ones who were sent to Iraq. Mr. Obama is also suffering from the expectations that his presidency would bring a new character to American leadership in the world.

        President Obama has to realize that his power or his authority is coming from the people of the United States and maybe from people of the world. Popular Sovereignty explains that the government gets its authority from the people and that ultimate political power remains with the people, not only the leaders but with all people. Before taking action, he has to know what the people wants the government to do. If the Syrians used the chemical weapons, it is a crime against humanity and something should happen. However, President Obama has to consider that his authority comes from the people of United States.
