2013년 2월 27일 수요일

Early Choices Spawned Slavery


       This article is talks about how slavery increased in the Americas and comparison to the indentured servants who were from Europe.
       They had different religions and different skin collar, so they were discriminated and brought in to the Americas as slaves. They were put into many tobacco, corn and other plantations. At that time, there were many indentured servants, but after a certain period of time, they are going to be free and might have a piece of land for themselves in one of the regions of America. The landowners wanted to have a slave that doesn’t get free and have them permanently. Also, European indentured servants became more expensive. Then slave trade started to boom and slaves from Africa were brought in. Africans didn’t known anything about the reason why they were brought. However, in order to maintain their lives, they relied on their masters and had to do what they say.
        It mainly introduces the sufferings that the African slaves had to suffer. 


       I just want to say that they were just greedy for money. They didn’t really think the slaves were the same people as them. Like President Obama, people all have the equal chance of being leaders. We are all same people and he did something great in American History.

Relevance to Lesson
       This article mainly talks about the Slave trade & Indentured servants that I've learned in US History Class.

Article from: http://articles.dailypress.com/2013-02-23/news/dp-nws-slavery-talk-20130223_1_servants-africans-slavery
Posted on Feb 23, 2013

2013년 2월 21일 목요일

Native Americans object to use of White Buffalo at Dallas gas station

      There is a woman named Yolanda Blue Horse, and she feels uncomfortable of her culture and religion being used as an advertisement for products. In one of the cities, there was a white buffalo was genetically bred. Blue Horse feels that even though the animal was genetically bred, it is still one of their sacred animals and she feels that this animal should not be something to be shown to the crowd to earn money with. She wants the white buffalo to return to the nature.

Relevance to Lecture
       What I learned in class was that Native Americans sold everything but land and the life beings living on land. This showed how much the Americans cared about their nature, culture, and other living things on that land. Unfortunately, that led Europeans using force to gain the land. 

       People have lots of things that they could use as a source of advertisement. There should be some respect of other cultures in multicultural countries. People care about their culture and religion, and they are not something that we can offend or use them as something to gain money with.

Article Link
Posted: Feb 19, 2013